

At Mount Litera Zee School Haldwani we focus on all-round development of students. Our emerging student profile (ESP) puts equal emphasis on knowledge, life skills, and values. MLZS Haldwani goes beyond academics to ensure that we provide students sufficient opportunities for achieving the ESP.


Unique Skills Programme

Our students engage in music, dance,theatre and art activities through our performing arts school programmes. These provide an opportunity to explore, engage and excel in activities of their own choice.

Students may choose from a range of performing pursuits. In this, they are carefully guided by professional instructors who train our students to achieve high standards in their chosen fields.

MLZS Haldwani works with the instructors to identify and set specific learning outcomes in each of the activities.


Technology Enabled Learning

Interactive white boards with AV content and WiFi internet enabled digital smart class rooms to provide students best of knowledge regarding technical subjects as they view them in 3D videos.

Smart class provide an interactive & visually attractive method of teaching.The audio-visual senses of students are targeted and it helps the students store the information fast and effectively.Digital Classroom club provides the best way to understand & see different objects & projects live working projects.


ULP-Unique Learning Profile

The Unique Learner Profile (ULP) is a key component of the Litera Nova pedagogy. ULP helps create customized learning experiences by identifying the student’s individual cognitive and emotional learning patterns. This allows educators to adapt teaching methods to suit each child’s learning style. Beyond academics, the ULP also considers social, emotional, and creative intelligence, fostering well-rounded growth. It supports the development of critical 21st-century skills like problem-solving, creativity, communication, and emotional intelligence.


Litera Nova

Litera Nova is the core belief of every Zee school. The term "Nova," meaning "new" in Latin, symbolizes a student's journey towards brilliance, akin to a star radiating newfound energy. Litera Nova offers a holistic educational experience, incorporating programs in leadership, language development, robotics, AI, motion animation, and sports like cricket. These initiatives aim to cultivate real-life skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity, preparing students to become empathetic, innovative, and socially responsible leaders of tomorrow.

It comprises Critical interlinked elements of school engagement with parents and child.

These are : Litera Infra, Litera ULP, Litera Network, Litera Digital, Litera Mentor, Litera Assessment, Litera Parents,Litera Enrichment, Litera Nova App and Litera Nova kit


Well Trained Teachers

Expert educators, empowered by ongoing professional development and training, stay updated on best academic practices.Highly competent teachers with continous training programs and workshops in scholarly method, our rigorous hiring and comprehensive training of teachers keep them abreast with the best-in-class learning methodologies. Teachers get assessed to ensure that students get the best learning environment.


Assesments, Evaluations & Parents

Our assessments focus on identifying what students are good at instead of whether they are good or not. MLZS Haldwani assessments and Parent Teachers Meetings take place on a continuous basis and at the child's pace rather than through only stressful periodic exams. Assessment patterns are based on feedback from various stakeholders including parents.

Parents are a critical stakeholder in the entire learning process. We orient parents through various workshops and inculcate awareness of important parenting issues like understanding the child's learning style, multiple intelligences, and child abuse prevention etc.


Community Connect & Social Awareness

Education is all about giving back to the society. At MLZS Haldwani, we prepare our students to work towards creating a sustainable environment on an ongoing basis.

We encourage our students and parent community to support organizations that help the old, the underprivileged.Our students and parent community will participate and organize projects that aim to achieve a purpose in preserving and conserving the environment and its inhabitants.